Shifting into Neutral ... NOW!

I'm setting my intention for how I want to show up today, this week, this holiday season.


I'm shifting into neutral.

I can get pretty excitable and activated by the hullabaloo of holiday shenanigans—shopping, gifts, sales, others' expectations, divisive conversations—even though I am not sure I resonate with some of the holidays' origins.

The "shoulds" start showering down and I sway.

Not this year. This year I choose neutrality.

I choose to observe my experience so that I can choose how I show up.

A dear friend of mine often says, "Just because you're invited to the party, doesn't mean you have to dance."

I used to stare at her with a big, "huh?"

Then I got it. I don't have to step into old familiar patterns that no longer align with me today. I can be the one to shift the dance floor vibes. 💃🏻

The only way I know how to act from a place of neutrality is to first be really honest with myself about what's coming up or getting activated. I can honor and accept that.

And release it.

Then ... and only then I can open up to a new thought, new action, and new belief.

Stress and anxiety are real factors around the holidays for numerous and disparate reasons. It's ok and actually good to admit that to ourselves.

The most powerful way I know to acknowledge, accept, and release my stress and anxiety is through EFT Tapping and journaling.

In both, I get to be witness to my own emotional experience and choose what my next step is.

I've created this free EFT tapping session to help reduce stress and anxiety ... in less than 12 minutes. Please use it as often as you need this holiday season.

Also, here's a journaling prompt: Write a really long gratitude list.

Not original. Always effective. Re-read your list and give yourself two to three sentences of feedback as your own observer. Notice what you notice.

You are worth a regulated nervous system!


I am grateful for this chance to connect with you!


What if you let yourself off the hook?!


For the people I have found 🎶